Our advanced manufacturing technology ensures consistent product quality, with highfiber density and low shot content for excellent performance. Mineral wool insulation is suitable for temperatures up to 1200 f 649 c. Roxul safe lightweight, semirigid stone wool insulation. Lets look at how density impacts the thermal conductivity and effectiveness of mineral wool insulation. Roxul 2 x 48 x 24 mineral wool high temperature insulation. Weights of piping materials i ntroduction the weight of. Roxul safe is ul and intertek approved as a forming material for numerous firestop systems. Today, thermafiber mineral wool resists fire and temperatures in excess of 2,000.
Insulation mineral wool mineral wool pipe covering, distribution international is a leading supplier and fabricator of insulation and materials for the industrial, marine, commercial and government sectors. Pf pipe insulation is a factory vgrooved mineral wool board that is formed to specific pipe sizes and provided. It is ideal for steam and process pipe systems operating at temperatures up to 1200c. Mineral wool pipe covering distribution international. Mineral wool blankets for piping and vessels greater than 36. The waterrepellency is tested to bs en 472, and advanced manufacturing technology ensures consistent product quality, with high fiberdensity and low shotcontent, for excellent performance in hightemperature thermal control and fireresistance applications. Thermafiber mineral wool insulation light and heavy density mineral wool insulation board according to iso 14025 this declaration is an environmental product declaration epd in accordance with iso 14025. The waterrepellency is tested to bs en 472, and advanced manufacturing technology ensures consistent product quality, with high fiberdensity and low shotcontent, for excellent performance in hightemperature thermal control and fire.
Environmental product declaration mineral wool board. Glt products pipe and tank insulation is a semirigid wrap. Knauf insulation is present in more than 40 countries. When properly used, usg mineral wool is safe to handle and easy to work with. Mineral wool insulation grainger industrial supply. Waterrepellent minwool1200 pipe insulation is made from inorganic fibers derived from basalt a volcanic rock and bound with a thermosetting resin.
It is made from basalt rock and steel slag with an organic binder. This product is designed to fill perimeter gaps between concrete floor slabs and exterior wall systems, between firewalls and ceiling slabs, and around conduit pipes and. This combination results in a noncombustible product with a melting point of approximately 2150f 1177c, which gives it excellent fire resistance properties. It is made with the fibers perpendicular to the surface and comes with a variety of jacketing. Isocovers isowrap 24lx12w pipe and flange insulation. Owens corning nowrap fiberglas pipe insulation is molded of heavy density resin bonded inorganic glass fibers that come in onepiece, 36 914mm long, hinged sections. Rock wool preformed pipe section rockwool preformed pipe section conforming astm c 547 and equivalent bs39584 is intended for the thermoacoustic insulation and fire protection of pipe works operating at temperatures up to 780. Mineral wool effectively reduces noise while providing excellent thermal performances. Insulation of pipework through buildings prevents the pipe temperature transferring to any environments they pass through.
Iig401 effective 0912 replaces 0112 your insulation partner in a safer work place and world. For pipe sizes 19 to 24 457 mm to 600 mm, some thick wall pieces are shipped as four piece quads. Mineral wool insulation comes in a wide variety of forms, shapes and sizes, including board, batt, loosefill, sprayapplied, and pipe insulation for many common and specialized applications. Where specific insulation thicknesses and densities differ from those shown, refer to weight of piping insulation formula below. High density rockwool pipe insulation rockwool insulation. Rockwool products is an economical light weight thermal insulation material which is well recognized as one of the best material for thermal and insulation purpose is manufactured from a mixture of natural rocks basalt and do. The remaining 2% organic content is generally a thermosetting resin binder an adhesive and a little oil. Waterrepellent minwool 1200 pipe insulation is made from inorganic fibers derived from basalt a volcanic rock and bound with a thermosetting resin. Mineral wool is any fibrous material formed by spinning or drawing molten mineral or rock materials such as slag and ceramics applications of mineral wool include thermal insulation as both structural insulation and pipe insulation, though it is not as fireresistant as hightemperature insulation wool, filtration, soundproofing, and hydroponic growth medium. Thermafiber light and heavy density mineral wool insulation board.
Slag wool, a manmade material from blast furnace slag the waste matter that forms on the surface of molten metal. The term mineral wool typically refers to two types of insulation material. They can be used outdoors with additional metal jacketing. Keep indoors at temperatures between 40 f 80 f 4 c 27 c and 45% 55% rh.
It is produced in the form of two half cylinders and can be supplied either plain, with an all service jacket asj or with a foil scrim kraft fsk type facing. C653 guide for determination of the thermal resistance of low density blankettype mineral fiber insulation c680 practice for determination of heat gain or loss and the surface temperatures of insulated pipe and equipment systems by the use of a computer program. Mineral wool insulation has superior sounddeadening properties. Mineral wool pipe insulation density pipe insulation. Technical product information pipe insulation 15080 roxul1200. Sheets with wiremesh reinforcement withstand extreme shock and vibration. Traditionally, stone wool is made from molten rock at a temperature of about 1600c. Nov 30, 2017 all mineral wool shall be water repellent and tested for water absorption and retention. Sheep are no longer farmed primarily for their wool.
Small puffs of loosefill insulation can be packed as densely as you choose. Minwool1200 pipe insulation is 36 914 mm in length, and is available in thicknesses. The orientation of the mineral wool fibers gives the material the. Wool insulation is made from sheep wool fibres that are either mechanically held together or bonded using between 5% and 15% recycled polyester adhesive to form insulating batts and rolls. The pipe insulation is manufactured from long noncombustible rock fibers with a high performance binder. It is ideal for steam and process pipe systems operating at temperatures up to 1200 c. Because of its density, mineral wool is hard to compress. The insulation is tailored to fit for copper, iron, pvc, and other polymer pipe applications. Pipe insulation fiberglass, mineral wool, armaflex, calcium. Mineral wool insulation the piping engineering world. Mineral wool pipe and tank insulation is a semirigid mineral wool designed to insulate large piping over 8 ips, and other curved surfaces. Glt mineral wool pipe and tank insulation general insulation.
Epds rely on life cycle assessment lca to provide information on a number of environmental impacts of products over their life cycle. They shall have density of at least 128 kgm3 and shall be faced with wire mesh inside and either wire mesh, expanded metal, or glass mat outside. Rock mineral wool 41 glass mineral wool 23 blowing wool 7 benefits. Advanced insulation offers excellent prices on rockwool pipe insulation as well as various slab ranges. Minwool1200 pipe data sheet distribution international. When insulating in temperatures up to 1200 f, such as in oven and powergenerating applications, these durable mineral wool sheets provide compression and moisture resistance. Minwool1200 preformed pf pipe insulation is made of inorganic fibers derived from basalt, a volcanic rock. Ro mineral wool foil backing insulation, wool,0 to 1200 degrees f, 558000. You can find out more about rockwool by visiting either rockwools own website or our blog. The waterrepellency is tested to bs en 472, and advanced manufacturing technology ensures consistent product quality, with high fiber density and low shotcontent, for excellent performance in hightemperature thermal control and fire. Roxul mineral wool is a water repellent yet vapour permeable material.
Usg mineral wool should be used within six months of the manufacturing date located on the package. Our selection of rock mineral wool insulation includes building slabs, fabrication slabs and more. The fibrous composition of mineral wool insulation provides a flexibility and versatility not found in most other insulations. Rock wool, a manmade material consisting of natural minerals like basalt or diabase. Physical properties properties mineral wool fiberglass temperature range up to f 60. Pour or blow it into walls and ceilings, or mix it into insulating cements as a filler. Plumbing insulation includes blankets, covers, jacketing, tapes, and wraps that are installed on pipe, pipe fittings, and valves to.
Just click on the headings above, and then select the thickness required to view them. It ships in flat 4mil plastic and is easily formed on the job site. Naima light density mineral wool board epd transparency brief pdf. Mineral wool has low thermal conductivity and fireresistance, which maximizes control of heat loss, contributing to reduced operating costs and greater energy savings. Plumbing insulation includes blankets, covers, jacketing, tapes, and wraps that are installed on pipe, pipe fittings, and valves to prevent heat loss and keep pipes from freezing.
Standard specification for mineral wool roof insulation board. Rockwool products is an economical light weight thermal insulation material which is well recognized as one of the best material for thermal and insulation purpose is manufactured from a mixture of natural rocks basalt and dolomite melted at high temperature to form a molten matrix, which is then passed through an air stream that cools the. Thermafiber ultrabatt mineral wool is designed to provide thermafiber ultrabatt mineral wool is designed to provide excellent thermal insulation in residential and light commercial building. All mineral wool shall be water repellent and tested for water absorption and retention. Johns manville mineral wool batts are made of inorganic fibers derived from basalt, a volcanic rock and are enhanced with glass fibers. Mineral wool pipe insulation is a noncombustible, fire resistant, water repellent yet vapor permeable insulation material. Mineral wool, also commonly called rock wool is used to insulate extremely hot surfaces, reaching up to 1,000f. Astm standards for homogeneous inorganic thermal insulation, reflective insulation, organic and nonhomogeneous inorganic thermal insulation, and blanket and loose fill insulation. Minwool1200 field formed mineral wool pipe insulation is a factory vgrooved mineral wool board with a unique pressuresensitive contact adhesive in the grooves. Mineral wool contains an average of 75% postindustrial recycled. Standard test method for density and dimensions of preformed pipe coveringtype.
The semirigid batts are more dense than traditional batts or rolls and are quick and easy to install. Product range pipe sections various pipe sizes to suit carbon steel outside diameters from density 15nb to 200nb 185kgm3 above 200nb 160kgm3 rigid slab standard thickness availability is 40, 50, 75 and 100mm. Weight of piping insulation pipe insulation weight i x. No wrap fiberglas pipe insulation product features physical properties 1. Mineral wool is made from molten glass, stone or slag that is spun into a fiberlike structure. Technical product information pipe insulation 15080. All mineral wool insulation is made from basalt, a volcanic rock, and bound with a thermosetting resin. This product qualifies under the department of homeland security safety act designation. For insulation outside the stated conductivity range, the minimum thickness t shall be determined as follows. The mineral wool fibers are treated to minimize dust. The density of insulation material depends on the manufacturing process used. Section 07 21 10 mineral wool insulation guide spec. The mineral wool insulation is suitable for hightemperature applications where polymer coatings are not considered suitable.
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